Friday, July 12, 2019

Weekly Recommendation 1

Hey all! So every Friday I'm going to be posting a list of five books, each from a different genre, that I loved and wish everybody would read. I'm a pretty versatile reader so hopefully there will be something for everybody on each list.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Hello bookish internet! This is the launch of the blog 'Saved By Books' and the correlating Bookstagram account. A little bit about where the name Saved By Books came from. I have loved books for most of my life, and have been a voracious reader from a young age. I come from a family who values books and reading, which definitely played a part in the start of my love of books.
My love of reading sustained me through my troublesome middle and high school years, but in my first year of college somehow I lost my way, and I lost my love of reading and books as well. Over the next two years, I maybe read five books total, which was blasphemous for me now looking back. I was lost not only in my reading life, but also in my everyday life. I was floundering in classes and really had no direction that I wanted my life to head in, I was stagnant.
I can't remember exactly how I came across it, but one day I came across the All the Books podcast from Bookriot, and it literally changed my life. Hearing the hosts, but specifically Liberty Hardy discuss books with so much love and enthusiasm brought my love of reading back full force. After listening to just one episode I immediately went to my local bookstore and bought three of the books discussed on the show. After tearing through them, I discovered the awesomeness of the whole Bookriot family, and I credit them with not only reigniting my passion for books and reading, but also expanding my TBR to be absolutely impossible to finish. This passion spilled over into my reality, and I found myself happier than I had been in a long time, and knew what I wanted to do with my life. Anything with books, I didn't know exactly what in books I wanted to do, and I still don't, but I have a direction now, even if it is a vague one. Books have saved me more than once in my life, this is just one of the most recent examples.
Let me know how books have impacted your life, I always enjoy hearing about the power of books!

Theme Post: Cozy Mysteries

In the past year or so, I've discovered the awesomeness of cozy mysteries. Everybody has a slightly different definition of what qualif...